I’m back

I’m back

progressing toward a goal I’ve been remiss at updating this blog, but away from here I’ve been working at finding my way under new circumstances. I’m still working full time and living in the home of my soon-to-be 96-year-old mom. I assist her so that 

I tried TILE

I tried TILE

A product Review I’m excited to have a new techy device called TILE. They help you find things like your keys or wallet. I first heard of this company from my boss who told us a funny story about how her husband swore he’d checked 

Enchanted Summer Evening

Enchanted Summer Evening

My Enchanted Summer evening I want to tell you about my unexpectedly charming Saturday night. Like many folks, I have been hanging close to home for a very long time because of COVID fears. I have only specific places I would go to be in 

Where to go for Retirement?

Where to go for Retirement?

First of all, this beautiful brown-eyed woman is not me. This is an image from Freepik that nicely sums up my perplexed nature of late. I decided that today is the day to begin chronicling my process of deciding how to spend the rest of 

Goodbye Sweet Girl

Goodbye Sweet Girl

The girl who started it all is gone now. My elder shelter cat, Rory, with the butterscotch colored diamond on the top of her sweet little head brought me good luck. She lifted my spirts, which helped me try new things. I’d wanted to learn 

February 2020 Daytona Show Trip

February 2020 Daytona Show Trip

My new year’s resolution in 2019 was to learn enough about blogging software to start a blog. I did that, began to populate it with all my creative endeavors. I began to think seriously about my post retirement entrepreneurship and moved forward to put that 

Why the name Butterscotch Diamond?

Why the name Butterscotch Diamond?

Why the Name “Butterscotch Diamond”? I was reading a self-help book as motivation to keep a positive attitude while I was stuck in a job that was unrewarding and frustrating. I liked my coworkers and the institution, in general, but wanted a better day-to-day environment. 

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Pour Painting is a craft that has been very popular the past couple of years. Last year I noticed that one of my Facebook friends was posting many photos of her creations and I thought they were quite nice. The technique creates a contemporary looking,